Craig Ferguson 3/8/11D Late Late Show Catherine Deneuve

Craig Ferguson 3/8/11D Late Late Show Catherine Deneuve

Craig chats with the legend that is Catherine Deneuve from "Potiche"...2 words: The Hunger
Catherine Deneuve in Belle De Jour <3

Watching Potiche. You know the one, the French film Orange recently dubbed for a cinema ad. Ruddy love Catherine Deneuve + Gerald Depardieu

Ayer me enamoré de una imagen de Catherine Deneuve que había expuesta en la Fundación Mapfre... y ahora no la encuentro en Internet.

@BullingdonYob Catherine Deneuve spotted in Salford at the weekend. #NoReally

Acting is also working with people who invite you into their Dreams and trust you with their innermost being. Catherine Deneuve #Quotes

A partir de este momento, y gracias a la bella Catherine Deneuve, todo lo hablaré cantado.

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