Bouken Deshou Deshou? (ballad ver.) [SakuraNek0]
Uhmmm, I recorded this around the same time as Gravity, but never had the chance to upload it. (So this was also when I was practicing ballads. Sorry if some parts feel rough.) Sorry it's only one image. I had a friend put it together for me (thanks Maiko!) 'cause my laptop was being wonky and college is eating me alive (or something like that). I also didn't want to burden her with the image timing I usually do. Sorry the image doesn't quite suit the "ballad"ness of the song. XD; It looks like Suzumiya-san's taunting you. D: Most importantly, I updated, right, right? XD; haha, I hope you're not all mad at me. Anyways, this song is the opening to Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi), but a ballad version, played by RogueRouge, or as everyone calls him now: Aidan. Anyhow, comments and critique are appreciated. SIEG HARUHI. -runs for it- XD; -------------- Vocals by: SakuraNek0 Piano and mixing by: RogueRouge Video edited by: Maiko --- Original song copyrighted to their respective owners.
2007 日本シニアオープン 青木功 エージシュート達成! 2/2
「エージシュートやったよ!」 優勝インタビュー&トロフィー授与式を収録しています。 青木選手らしい茶目っ気に溢れ、エージシュート達成の喜びを隠し切れない様子が印象的なインタビューでした。
@pigsbum53 I was weak in English, the caption can not. I know someone who is fluent in Japanese language, difficult to translate but I think she is. Because they require knowledge of Japanese culture and cuisine. Korean cooking show on youtube because I have not seen yet a third judge. The song shows have seen recently. @pigsbum53 Thanks Comments● ''・) @thechoos Okay Google Maps 34.895752,138.283657 The city of Fujieda(藤枝市), Shizuoka Prefecture(静岡県). @thechoos This is a hard to understand you? @coolpicsale What is the third of food store? This food「今川焼きimagawayaki」 "baked Imagawa" that the traditional sweets. "Imagawa baked"is originally put the sweet red bean paste, this shop has put many things.¿Cuál es la tercera de la tienda de alimentos? Este alimento "al horno Imagawa" que los dulces tradicionales. "Imagawa al horno" es originalmente poner la pasta dulce de frijoles rojos, esta tienda ha puesto muchas cosas.
KMPプロジェクト2011 in ディファ有明 【村上涼子からのおしらせ】
2011年3月19日開催予定のスペシャルイベント「KMPプロジェクト2011 in ディファ有明」 イベント開催を記念して、村上涼子さんからのスペシャルメッセージを大公開!! 2011年のKMPはスゴイ! おかず。レアル、バズーカ、なでしこの各レーベルでもユニットを結成! そしてAV史上最高にいい女!神咲詩織も加入して、ミリオンガールズ2011はますま--すパワーアップ!! 詳しくはKM-PRODUCE公式HPをチェック!
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