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Memories off 3.5 AMV Shining star

Memories off 3.5 AMV Shining star

the anime Memories off 3.5 ending song - Shining star
Met @andycrane64 lastnight at the #searchawards I told him off for shattering my childhood memories by swearing. A very nice guy to chat to!

Turn off lamp,alone in my bedroom,use blanket,listened classic music,hug pikuchan doll, and thinking of my sweet memories with you :) MLN :*

Off to crosshands and the valleys visiting bereaved @tyhafan families today. Hope to share some lovely memories with lovely families. X

'I love the rain, it washes memories off the sidewalks of life' ~ Allan Felix

Memories.."@mondeh21: donnel jone ,knocks me off my feet! taking me back.cc@juniamafia @nonjimath @keintuli"

@stephenfry forgot about those, I can remember breaking the curly bit off and using it to flick the ring like a small frisby. Memories.

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