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【東方地霊殿】 アドレナ義塾 -⎾18禁エチュード⏌ 【ジュクチョー】

【東方地霊殿】 アドレナ義塾 -⎾18禁エチュード⏌ 【ジュクチョー】

[Title] - 18禁エチュード[Artist] - ジュクチョー[Circle] - アドレナ義塾[Album] - サトリ サトラレ[Track] - 1 [Release] - Comiket 76 [Original] - Yamame Kurodani's Theme: The Sealed-Away Youkai ~ Lost Place from Subterranean Animism [Website] - zyukucho.sakura.ne.jp I hate how things don't turn out the way that you imagine them to turn out. Life would be boring if it did, wouldn't it? Anyways... the beginning wasn't as synced and smooth as I wanted to be, since it kept lagging while I was making it, but I hope you get the point. "Clueless" is because I had no idea what to have for the word. Also because I was clueless that it'd show up this quickly and show up as public when I had it as private. Guess it kinda works. In a battle, you should weave a web and make sure you enemy is clueless, right? I don't really get where I'm going with this... Anyways... I love the intro, as you probably could tell. Was going to add more things for this but it'd probably would've ended up getting boring after a while and also, I wasn't sure if people prefered to have them or not. So far, it seems that people prefer it. Guess I'll keep doing it (assuming I have an idea of what to do). I probably should go watch some tutorials. The guitar solo is great too. Of course, I'm not guitarist (I don't play any instruments at all) so can't say more than that about it. ジュクチョー's arranges are interesting to listen to, imo. Can't really say what his style of music is but he seems to know what he's ...

@karin02609791 安藤氏はですねぇ〜、バトルロワイヤルの桐山役とかぁ〜、サトラレとかぁ〜、キッズリターンとかぁ〜…ハァハァすてき(*´∇`*)wikiってみて〜!

RT @koikekazuo: 以前、「サトラレ」という、思った事が全て周囲に悟られるという作品があった。ツイッターで呟き続けるという事は、ある意味、この作品の主人公のようだ。時に思念がダダ漏れの人が散見される。ツイッターとは、使われ方によっては、とても危ういコミュニケーションスツールだと思う。(小池一夫)


RT @BraveFive: 自分は実はサトラレで、心の声がダダ漏れになってるんじゃないか #一度でも思ったことある人rt

RT @koikekazuo: 以前、「サトラレ」という、思った事が全て周囲に悟られるという作品があった。ツイッターで呟き続けるという事は、ある意味、この作品の主人公のようだ。時に思念がダダ漏れの人が散見される。ツイッターとは、使われ方によっては、とても危ういコミュニケーションスツールだと思う。(小池一夫)

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