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Lyrics to '30 Minutes' by tATu

Lyrics to '30 Minutes' by tATu

a lyrics video to 30 minutes :D AT THE BEGINNING SHE SAYS 'Mama, Papa, forgive me'
Stuck in the jam for about 45minutes for a meeting, and meeting was done in 30minutes. Efficient or not efficient? #fb

within 30minutes. dapat nasa BAHAY NA KO!

mr clutterbuck, it's only 30minutes of lectopia and you sent me to dreamland.

@hoeyat it is 30minutes by bus!(^^)! so i get to school at 6:30(^-^)

30minutes of maths gone bruv

@imyanling haha. Don't worry la next time u also need to take this subject one.. 30minutes reading time 3hours writing time. Die~

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30minutes ウェブ

The Blues Brothers
