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Record of Lodoss War [ロードス島戦記] Game Sample -- PC Engine CD

Record of Lodoss War [ロードス島戦記] Game Sample -- PC Engine CD

Original Air Date: August 18th, 2009 This is the only video I'm uploading for now. I wasn't going to make it originally since I accidentally formatted my data and lost all my hard work in this very very tedious game... but it was staring me in the face ever since I uploaded stuff for the Dreamcast game. I also have the sequel, but I only played it a little bit and it seems even worse at a glance. This game is all about side quests and if you want to get anything done, you'll learn to like doing them. In fact, one could almost say they're mandatory, because if you have any hopes of completing this game in a reasonable fashion, you'll want to do every single one. The problem with this game is in the leveling and encounter rates. Enemies not only offer a paltry sum of experience and money, but the meager amount of exp. you earn is divided by each party member you gain. It gets better though, because when you level up, enemies give EVEN LESS exp. for some wicked reason I'm sure and quickly end up rewarding you with only one experience point. So, once you've had your fill of battles, you'll be running from most random encounters every five seconds (if that) to preserve your strength, and some enemies will really be brutal. You can rest up often whenever you go to camp and save just about anywhere, but I can't help but feel that it was a poor supplement for a more balanced adventuring experience. Quests are the only things that reward you with an even remotely decent amount of ...
@mirudake12 私もロードスハマっていましたね~。TRPGやりたいけど仲間がいなくてリプレイ集とか読んでましたw

メインで昔やってたTRPG、D&D、AD&D、ウィザードリィ。触ったことがある程度のもの、ソードワールド、ロードス、ルーンクエスト、ストームブリンガー、指輪 ……くらいかな?

@Angel_neet @MaxHP_1 海外では僧侶というか僧兵だし・・・みんなムキムキで棍棒ぶんまわすイメージ。日本で比較的近いのはロードスかなぁ?



@para_mon 自分もロードスしか知らなかったのですが(^^;)中世ヨーロッパとか西洋史が大好きなので、ちょっとチャレンジをと♪ぱらもんさんもぜひぜひ^^!

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